Friday, January 22, 2010

Don't feed your brother to the alligator...

When I was a young girl, my mom told me a story about when she was a young girl. She and her 2 brothers and her parents were visiting Florida, and having a picnic near a swamp. Mom and her older brother decided to feed their youngest sibling to the gators. My grandmother, ever the calm and collected one, simply said "Don't feed your brother to the alligator." They didn't. I thought it was hysterical.

Now, as a mother myself, I find myself saying the most bizarre things, and each time, I think about my grandmother and wonder if she thought "What has my life come to, that I say these things?" (which is what I often think!)

I discuss this with other "mom-friends" and we all get a huge kick out of all the random, off-the-wall things we say to our kids. We decided to keep track of them, and started a "quote book" this summer. After reading through the book (a spiral bound notebook we took turns carting around) we decided to start a blog to share with the world.

We would LOVE to have your input!!! Please share your "mom quotes" - things you say and then think "Holy crap, did I just say that??" Think of us as "Texts-from-last-night" for moms!!!

Here are some examples (much more to come, transcribing "the book" is taking us a while)

"You better put your pants back on before your mother comes back" (from a mom-friend to my son)

"No, son, you can't put a plastic bag over your sister's head. Not even if you poke holes in it first."

"No, sweetie, you didn't leave your panties in the hotel room. And I hope that's the last time you ever wonder about that...."

"Why is there toothpaste in the toilet??"

There are many many more to come!

Join in, I can't wait to read!!!